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“Spiritual health and material well-being are not enemies: they are natural allies, Wisdom demands a new orientation of science and technology toward the organic, the gentle, the elegant and beautiful”
– E.F. Schumacher
Christopher Haydel
For more than three decades, I’ve been in a career where my love of learning is as fascinating as it is endless. Moreover, in my roles as professional investor and financial advisor, I am able to bring together so many things that I love. From investing, to strategic thinking and problem solving – all in the service of helping others — I feel fortunate to be able to exercise my love of each of these while serving our clients. If this career did not exist, I would have had to invent it! Above all, I am filled with gratitude for the people that make my work possible, and for being part of an enterprise that demands the very best of me.
A long career in any vocation brings with it certain advantages. For example, by having a front row seat to many market cataclysms, I’m able to view the market’s gyrations with a detached and gentle matter-of-factness. As we all learn throughout our lives, the recognition that change is the constant, provides greater clarity and the ability to respond logically and less emotionally to the inevitable twists and turns of the markets and of life. Such experience certainly helps us all in our decision making, keeping us focused on what matters most; remaining as far-sighted as needed, and helping us to tune-out any unnecessary short-term noise.
To be fair, we should also recognize that while such a long time in markets can be an asset, it can also be a liability. Changes are always occurring – and we must be careful not to overlook the significance of certain new events or outcomes. It is this awareness, in conjunction with our dedication to growth and learning, which I hope provides a useful antidote to the inertia which can come with time and success.
Our economy, our markets and our very lives are yet to be written, and we must remain attuned to the changes that matter. And of course, staying focused on the things that matter has become the central focus of my work. “You can dramatically extend life—not by multiplying the number of your years, but by expanding the fullness of your moments”, writes Shinzen Young in The Science of Enlightenment.
I am most excited to help our friends and clients ‘expand the fullness of their moments’ and invite you to join us. Sometimes this is done by simply creating space for other things to enter. Removing obstacles, like financial worry and anxiety can, indeed be a great gift. Moreover, by helping to build real financial security, we may pass that gift along to more of those we love — even future generations.
When I’m not working you can find me reading, hiking, in meditation or practicing yoga. And of course, I welcome all book, trail and hiking recommendations!